Category: Water Supply

Some communities need a safe reliable water supply. We try to help communities where ever possible and funds allow us to


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The borehole has been drilled. The tower and storage tank erected. The plumber has done his work. And now there is sparkling fresh water for everyone in Gbedema Kofi to use.

Thank you to everyone involved. Especially the major donors, Wolfgang and The Green Hall Foundation and also remembering everyone who donates to Community Action Ghana big or small it all helps, so thank you so much.

We could not do this work without the continued help of Clemence Kitsi who gives up so much of his time to help the various communities in the Volta Region of Ghana. Here he is supervising the building of a road to get the drilling rig on site.

Remember the water supply before. You have helped us do our bit to allow children to drink clean fresh water and mothers to use insect free water for their babies.


New Road needed for Drilling Rig

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You may be wondering why the water supply for Gbedema Kofi has not reported progress since the water tower was built. As we were about to start we were told that the council was about to put a road exactly where we were about to drill the borehole. So the borehole had to be moved from this secondary site that was easily accessible to the primary site across the stream. This meant that we had to make a ‘new’ road across the stream and up the far bank. But the road we build wasn’t up to the task as the drilling rig was HUGE. So now we are in the process of remaking a road sufficiently strong for the task. Please keep watching this space for updates. Can I say that Wolfgang has made a huge contribution to the charity that will cover most of this unexpected expenditure. So Wolfgang thank you so much.


Work starts on Clean water supply for Gbedema Kofi

The water supply won’t be ready for Christmas but it will be ready for the New Year. This means that the community of Gbedema Kofi won’t have to source their water from a muddy intermittent stream but will be able to get clean artesian water from a tank on a water tower.

In April 2021 the Leos from Cambridge High school in New Zealand had a sausage sizzle and raised the funds to allow us to do a geological survey.
This was done in May 2021 and it found a good source of underground water close to the middle of the community.
November 2021 the Green Hall Foundation gave us a grant of £4,000 towards the project.
In December 2021 the community met and finalised the positioning of the water tower and agreed on how the community would contribute to the project. On December 21st the foundations for the tower were put in and the project started.

Keep coming back to this post for updates on the progress.

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Work Starts on Clean Water supply for Gbedema Kofi

As promised here are more pictures of building the water tower, making a road for the drilling rig and modern dowsing to pinpoint exactly where to drill.


Wonderful Marathon Runners raise funds for Community projects. Thank you!

David and Kate at the start
And again at the end of 13.1 gruelling miles

Just how do you thank these wonderful people for training and then running the Oxford Half Marathon. The distance 13.1 miles, thats just over 21 km in 2 hours 15 minutes and 2 hours 22 minutes. Akpe kakaka (Ewe language for thank you totally)

At 6 miles (10 Km)

Kate at 8 miles (13Km)
Still smiling

David at 8 miles (13Km)
Still happy

They have raised over £800 and when you add on the gift aid this will be about £1,000.
This amount can go a long way towards helping communities build a toilet block, renovate a library or even go towards putting in a borehole to provide clean drinking water.
For example the money raised could go a long way to building the superstructure on the toilet and roof it.
How worthwhile is that.

The funds raised could convert this
to this…
Foli John and Michael Deh who are working on the Alavanyo Agome Toilet say Akpe bor oo (A very big thankyou)

If you’ve been inspired by David & Kate’s fundraising and would like to run the Oxford Half Marathon 2022 or any other fundraising initiative please get in touch


Research based Geological survey gives new water project green light.

The geological survey paid for by the wonderful fundraising efforts of the Student Leos in Cambridge High School New Zealand has been done.
Two very promising sites have been identified.
So now we really need everybody’s efforts to raise the almost £4000.
This will let us
drill the borehole,
put in the pipes and pump,
build the water tower,
put the 5000l tank on,
plumb it all together.

Which means that people will no longer have to do this

or this

For the techncally minded here are some photos of the survey being carried out and the full report. In the report the bluest places are where the possible drilling sites are.

Click anywhere on the photo to load a pdf of the report


Imagine this is how you got water.

This morning I expect you got up. Went to your indoor bathroom, did your number ones and twos. Flushed the toilet had a wash, shower or bath. All without leaving the comfort and warmth of your own house.

It’s not like this for many people in the Volta region of Ghana. The pictures below show what the Gbedema Kofe community near Ho have to do to get the water they need to wash, prepare their food and in some cases drink. This community has sent us a request for help to drill a borehole, and build a reservoir tank with a couple of taps so they do not have to collect the water from this stream.
It was International Womens Day this month and most of the women in this community spent it collecting water from this source. They had to walk away from the village and carry the heavy containers back home. This is a cause of anxiety as this is where they might meet snakes and other predators. They are not asking for the world just a safe source of water.

How much? The estimates are that if Community Action Ghana, with your donations, put in £4,000 the village contribute £2,000 in labour and materials, they can have this in a matter of weeks.

Please can you or an organisation you know help. We will willingly give talks to individuals or groups anywhere in the world (using video links). Please help us fulfill this simple request.

Many times each day I collect water.
I bring my son or daughter to help.
That blue bucket of water weighs 5kg. It is too much but what can I do?
This is what your donations could provide.
