Research based Geological survey gives new water project green light.

The geological survey paid for by the wonderful fundraising efforts of the Student Leos in Cambridge High School New Zealand has been done.
Two very promising sites have been identified.
So now we really need everybody’s efforts to raise the almost £4000.
This will let us
drill the borehole,
put in the pipes and pump,
build the water tower,
put the 5000l tank on,
plumb it all together.

Which means that people will no longer have to do this

or this

For the techncally minded here are some photos of the survey being carried out and the full report. In the report the bluest places are where the possible drilling sites are.

Click anywhere on the photo to load a pdf of the report


Run the Oxford Half Marathon for Community Action Ghana

We have places in the Oxford Half Marathon and would love you to join our team!

Why run for us:

  • You will be supported every step of the way with your fundraising.
  • You will receive a Community Action Running Vest or T Shirt.
  • You will be cheered on along the way on race day.
  • You’ll be kept up to date with the work you are supporting.
  • You will get to meet the team (virtually) in Ghana.
  • Your support will make a direct difference to the lives of people in Ghana.

How your support will make a difference

To register please get in touch and we’ll send you all you need.

If you’d like to support Community Action Ghana with a different challenge please get in touch, we’d be delighted to support you in your fundraising to make a difference to communities in Ghana.
