The carpenters built shelves, put up ceilings, and made tables. They painted the walls and shelves. The electricians installed lights and fans. The community organized the books given by Book Aid International, got some chairs, and prepared the old rooms for the first readers.

We want to thank everyone who helped make this project happen. Special thanks go to Clemence Kitsi and Kenneth Norviewu for their hard work in getting the community involved. We also want to thank Augustine Quarshie, our wonderful host, for his hospitality. The community members gave their time to work as laborers, carpenters, electricians, masons, painters, and cleaners.
Two of the most memorable quotes from people helping were:-
A carpenter recently retired from Accra. “I am so glad to help as I thought when I returned to my village I would not be able to access books. I can now. Thank you.”
A disabled member of the community on being found tasks the was able to do said “Disability is not inability.” A quote we shall treasure and remember.