Congratulations to a Long Distance Runner. Turning energy into projects.

What a brilliant way to help Community Action Ghana. This year Shinmyoung Choi ran the Oxford Half Marathon for Community Action Ghana. Up to date her fantastic supporters have raised £555. This goes a huge way towards our work. Thank you!

Getting ready at the start
Hardly out of breath at the 3 mile mark
Still cheerful at the finish

The money Shin has raised will fund:

  • The roofing sheets for a toilet block
  • A set of shelves and a table & chairs for a community library
  • And five bags of cement to help build the community toilets
Choosing books at Gbi-Wedbe
At 6.30 in the morning students use the library in Alavanyo Kpeme
Roofing sheets going on at Dzogbedze Toilet block

The toilets we have built, with communities in Ghana have been described as, “better than a bag of gold”! As well as saving lives they also provide dignity for all who use them. We are also always so delighted to see the libraries we have refurbished and stocked (with the help from Book Aid International) in full use. Pearl, the Library Prefect at Alavanyo Kpeme Library opens the library for her students at 6:30am so they can read their favourite books before school starts, as well as use it to study in after school.

Thank you so much again to Shin and everyone who has sponsored her – you make a difference to people’s lives everyday through your support.


Worry for families as floods hit Alavanyo’s farms

Whist this is not directly related to our charity work our work goes on in the community so what affects the community affects our ability to work with them.

Clemence our project manager has many jobs. As well as working for us and one of these is to to farm to provide food for his family. He grows a variety of crops cassava, maize, sweet peppers to name some. He has sent us these photos of his farm which was flooded by completely unusual floods. As you can see the harvest of maize and sweet peppers have been destroyed but the cassava is probably salvageable.

The worlds attention has been directed at the floods in Pakistan and now Australia but many countries in West Africa have been affected by flooding, with over 730,000 people affected.

With floodwaters washing over ground that is used for open defecation it creates the perfect situation for spreading diseases such as cholera. To help prevent this we need to build more toilets and provide clean water supplies.

A toilet block for a community can cost as little as £14,000 with about half of this being contributed by the community with their labour and locally available materials. A borehole and associated water tower can be as little as £12,000 again with about a third of this being contributed by the communities.

Please think about these ‘forgotten’ communities.

During the flood

Flood on the maize crop
Will there be anything to harvest?
The shelters on the farm are damaged as well

After it has receded

The maize crop. All destroyed
Sweet peppers All gone
The cassava (manioc) might provide some produce
