The library ceiling goes up

The first job in renovating the library for the communities of Alavanyo is to put the ceiling up. All of the holes allowing bats to get into an enclosed ceiling space are now blocked so the ceiling can go up. In mitigation of depriving the bats of a comfortable roost we are investigating the possibility of using any left-over pieces of wood from the furniture building to make some bat boxes to put up in the school grounds.

Does anyone have the dimensions needed for a bat box?

Measuring ceiling strips
Cutting the strip

Fitting the first strip

The first strips are fitted in small pieces as the ceiling is wider than the full length of the strips. The full length strips will then cover the rest of the ceiling.

Fixing the holder for the main ceiling strips
The strips then go up easily.
The ceiling is finished


Donations are rolling in

Two of the Trustees, Adrian and Heather, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary and to help them celebrate people donated to the current projects. Here is a short clip from Alavanyo from a volunteer at the toilet site and students at the library site thanking everyone.
