One of our wonderful donors Professor Sir Muir Gray CBE MD has been talking to us about the work we are doing in the rural villages in Ghana and is so impressed that he wanted to share with us, and you, the following are his words.

“Amazing developments have taken place in healthcare in the last fifty years, for example hip replacements and chemotherapy, but at least as , and probably even more even more, important than the provision of high value healthcare are two other determinants – clean, clear water and literacy, particularly the educational level of girls and women.
Community Action Ghana is unique in building libraries, water supplies and toilets.
The Internet of course is a wonderful source of knowledge but there is much that is wrong and misleading on the Internet so there is no guarantee that the knowledge is clean, and not biased, and clear, so people need to learn from childhood on how to find and appraise knowledge.
This is the role of education and within education the role of libraries.
By building Toilets, Water supplies and Libraries in the Volta Region Community Action Ghana is the perfect example of a health service which will help people live longer better.”
Professor Sir Muir Gray CBE MD
Director of the Optimal Ageing Programme at Oxford University UK
Below a selection of pictures showning what is all too often the facilities in rural areas. Community Action Ghana uses your donations to make a change.