The water supply won’t be ready for Christmas but it will be ready for the New Year. This means that the community of Gbedema Kofi won’t have to source their water from a muddy intermittent stream but will be able to get clean artesian water from a tank on a water tower.
In April 2021 the Leos from Cambridge High school in New Zealand had a sausage sizzle and raised the funds to allow us to do a geological survey.
This was done in May 2021 and it found a good source of underground water close to the middle of the community.
November 2021 the Green Hall Foundation gave us a grant of £4,000 towards the project.
In December 2021 the community met and finalised the positioning of the water tower and agreed on how the community would contribute to the project. On December 21st the foundations for the tower were put in and the project started.
Keep coming back to this post for updates on the progress.
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Marking out the exact position Digging out the foundations Preparing for the concrete foundation Laying the foundation blocks Filling in Ready for the tower to be built
As promised here are more pictures of building the water tower, making a road for the drilling rig and modern dowsing to pinpoint exactly where to drill.
Building progressed over the Christmas weekend Slightly precarious scaffolding Timber was bought. Note the problem with the ‘road’ Shuttering was put up and reinforcing rods added Concrete mixed by hand for the tank platform A road needed to be built for the drilling rig Old tires and gravel from the river bed to make a ‘road’ Modern dowsing methods to pinpont exactly where to drill Two very promising places were found close to each other Will it be VESA 3 or VESA 15?