The huge Pit – finally Conquered

Digging the pit for the toilet block had ground to a halt because the soil was too compacted.
As they dug deeper the volunteers came to a layer of rock.
Pick axes made absolutely no impression despite the strength and commitment of the workers.
Drastic actions were called for.

Extreme force arrived

And started work

The excavator worked all day long and into the night until finally the pit was ready.

Day digging

Night digging

This is what the finished pit looks like.
Nothing will be wasted, this heap of broken up rocks will be used for the concrete bases.
As in Alavanyo Dzogbedze, the larger rocks will be smashed up by hand to make the gravel.

A one hundred tonne hole

And rocks ready to be broken up and used in the concrete

The next stage of the project will be to line the pit using the blocks made earlier and put on the superstructure.
Clemence is discussing this next part of the project with the village volunteer masons.

Watch this space.


Library Chairs have arrived

The chairs have arrived.
Twenty chairs for twenty readers.
Just waiting for the books which will soon be at Tema.

Alavanyo Kpeve’s library is almost finished. The books are on the way. Huge thanks to everyone who has been involved in this project either by donating money, time, skills or even quiet support. All have been appreciated.

Alavanyo Wudidi and Hohoe Wegbe Communities have asked if we can help them renovate and stock their ‘libraries’. Book Aid International have agreed to provide a stock of books. We and the communities just need to make the rooms fit for purpose. The communities are filling in the forms for the books they want. Community Action Ghana is busy looking for donors to help fund the furniture, paint and other essentials.

Outside Alavanyo Wudidi’s library.
Inside Alavanyo Wudidi’s library.

Alavanyo Wudidi’s library needs rather a lot doing to it. Furniture, books, a lick of paint, a ceiling, upgraded lighting and fans. The windows look as if they could well do with being replaced by glass.

Outside Hohoe Wegbe’s library.
Inside Hohoe Wegbe’s library

As you can see this library in Hohoe Wegbe is reasonably set up but needs books and furniture.
