The Pit

The hard work begins.

The pit for the pit latrine is measured out.
Here is Clemence Kitsi, Project Manager, carefully marking out the dimensions from the plans drawn up by the Kumasi Institute of Technology.



Accuracy needed

Then the ground breaking and back breaking work begins. Here are volunteers digging the pits.

The start is hard.
The really hard work starts.


Joy as Work starts on the new library.

Work has started on the Alavanyo Community Library. The students at Alavanyo Secondary Technical High School are renovating the room as part of their practical lessons, under the supervision of their teachers. This library will be used by the whole community as well as the students.

Materials for renovation arriving at the Alavanyo Technical High School
Transporting a ceiling!
Termite proofing the timbers
Putting up the framework 1
Putting up the framework 2

We still need more donations to complete the renovations. Please donate today to help the community access the education they deserve.

We are also looking for a volunteer libriarian to train the teachers or members of the community how to run the library. Either by travelling to Ghana or deliering the training remotley you would make a huge difference. Contact us for more information about volunteering opportunities.


Libraries are important

In the Alavanyo community, where we are currently working building more toilets, there is a need for a community library. We identified a room in the Technical High School in Alavanyo Kpeme that is used as the school library. It needs thorough renovation. We are currently gathering funds to refurbish it.

The refurbishment will mean putting in a ceiling with ceiling fans and better lighting, more shelving and tables and painting the walls. As part of their practical work the students, under the supervision of their teachers, will make the furniture, paint the walls and install the ceiling. This not only keeps the costs down but involves the community in their project.

Book Aid International are providing 2000 books which should be delivered by the end of 2020.

To make sure the room is ready please donate so this community infrastructure is ready in time for the books.

The current library in Alavanyo Kpeme
The new library in Tafi Atome

In 2009 we were working in Tafi Atome in Ghana’a Volta Region building a communal toilet. People asked if we could help provide a library, so using a spare office in the Monkey Sanctuary as the library, we sent money to make shelving and provided a library kit of stamps cards etc. We collected 2 cubic meters of books from friends and acquaintances and sent them to the library. An American visitor was so impressed that the village had started a library she donated funds for a building. On our visit in 2019 we realised that even though the building was there it really needed many more books. We are working with Book Aid International to send 1000 books later in 2020
