This slide show gives a taste of projects that Community Action Ghana has been involved in over the years in the Volta region of Ghana.

Where is the Volta Region

In 1967-68 Adrian was a volunteer teacher in Ghana in his Gap year.

In 2009 he went back to the same part of Ghana as a volunteer for a Ghanaian voluntary organisation and worked on building a community toilet block in Tafi Atome. It was unfinished so in 2010 he raised funding from friends and relations and went back with more Ghanaian and European volunteers and finished the community toilet.

The toilet block being inspected by everyone after the opening

Before there was a toilet block in Tafi Atome four to five children in the village died each year due to diseases carried by flies. Most of this was  caused by defecation in the open. Since the toilets were built this has decreased to less than one death a year. The toilet block also allows people the dignity of doing their toilet privately.

Happy healthy children

The main volunteer organiser and foreman at Tafi Atome was Ghanaian builder, Clemence Kitsi. Seeing the benefits to the community in Tafe Atome, residents from Alavanyo Dzogbedze (where Clemence grew up) later asked him if it was possible to have a similar toilet block in their village. In early 2016 he asked if Adrian could help them build one.
Adrian again raised funds from friends and relatives for basic materials. And the village development committee agreed to provide labour and materials such as sand, water and wood.

Clemence and Adrian

In 2016 Ghanaian and international volunteers started the project

Making the pit.

Funding was provided from around the world from, friends and family. A special thanks to Cambridge High School Leos in New Zealand and Market Rasen Rotary Club in the UK who gave generous donations.

We collected water and sand
We made building blocks
Everything was

mixed by hand
Building continued
Building continued

Walls were plastered doors were made and walls painted
The roof was bought and put on
Guttering to collect the rainwater, a tank to hold it was installed and a plumber fitted taps for hand washing.

Finally the building was complete and there was a grand opening.

Followed by Prayers and a celebration.

Later solar lighting was installed in the cubicles.

A meeting was arranged with the women. Having a safe toilet block is no longer a problem in Dzogbedze but health care for them and their children still is. Most women are subsistence farmers and they would like training in skills such as sewing that would bring them an income.  Microfinance came up as a topic to be explored.
They want a hand up not a hand out.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us work with these communities

But there are many more villages that need help. Community Action Ghana has identified Alavanyo Agome as in need. The village has committed to help to replace their community latrine.

We are also working to improve the library facilities in the communities we are working in. We are providing funds for renovation of rooms and making furniture. Book Aid international has committed to providing books for them.

If you would like to know more about what we do or how you could help please contact us.

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